According to the World Bank, which is owed a lot of money, which was then looted by the vile, illegitimate, plundering, looting, parasitic, pestilential, tyrannical, authoritarian, legitimately failed, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, cancerous, ruinous, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, zanu pf, which is nursing its futile aspirations to establish a one party state, under the watch of the later, whose illegitimacy has led to state paralysis, the country has the world’s highest food price inflation, ahead of Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Afghanistan, Yemen and Palestine.

Ironically, the terrorist, vile, illegitimate, plundering, looting, parasitic, pestilential, tyrannical, authoritarian, legitimately failed, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, cancerous, ruinous, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, zanu pf wants to steal another election so that the already paralyzed state, which is morphing into inevitable state failure and subsequent collapse gets to keep its top ranking, of a highest food price inflation, in addition to neglecting the welfare of the people, looting and plundering of the fiscal and natural, non-renewable resources meant for the their welfare. This is despite the fact that command agriculture, and Pfumvudza has failed, as was predicated, and spectacularly.

It should be noted and appreciated that during the illegitimate zanu pf aborted national government of national unity, the country, which shortly recovered from its paralysis, was not in the headlines for having the highest food price inflation in the world. This is because the only legitimate, resilient, innovative, transparent, accountable, and responsible opposition was part of the government. It demonstrated how sensitized and responsive it was to the welfare of the oppressed and terrorized people, which had been neglected for decades by the vile, illegitimate, plundering, looting, parasitic, pestilential, tyrannical, authoritarian, legitimately failed, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, cancerous, ruinous, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, zanu pf. Food, and service delivery, was within reach of everyone.

The people have thus a simple choice. Either voter apathy, coerced voting for the vile, illegitimate, plundering, looting, parasitic, pestilential, tyrannical, authoritarian, legitimately failed, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, cancerous, ruinous, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, zanu pf, and selling their votes for a song to the said spectacularly failing zanu pf, or to vote for the the only legitimate, resilient, innovative, transparent, accountable, and responsible opposition, which is a victim of attempted but failing decimation attempts by the pests and parasites in zanu pf..

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