It  seems that the politically parochial peasants and other demographics in the country, such as the unemployed, and drug abusing youths, have swallowed, hook, line and sinker, of the pestilential, parasitic, plundering, looting, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, citizens terrorizing and oppressing zanu pf’s childish, and unfounded propaganda that the sanctions it claims to be illegal, which have a legitimate utility of compelling the above mentioned legitimately failing party, to democratize, subsequent, political reforms, into a flourishing and thriving liberal constitutional democracy, are interfering with importation of radio parts but ironically, are not interfering with cooperation between NASA, an agency of the United States Government, and Ford, a privately owned company in the United States.

When the decades long, legitimately failing, pestilential, parasitic, plundering, looting, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, citizens terrorizing and oppressing zanu pf held its so called anti-sanctions day last month, it deliberately did not disclose its dealings with the above mentioned agency of the United States government, or a privately owned company, Ford, both of which were involved in deployment of useless ZIMSTAT-1 space vehicle, and purchasing of top of the range vehicles so that the pests and parasites in zanu pf gets the said cars, while gloating about the said space vehicle, in the new cars they will be driving to their constituencies where absolute poverty and destitution have taken root and are thriving.

These kinds of cooperation, between the pestilential, parasitic, plundering, looting, criminal, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, citizens terrorizing and oppressing zanu pf and the United States government and its private companies show that the former is insincere and unmotivated towards modernizing and developing the country, and is more comfortable in using sanctions as an excuse, to not only deliberately fail and sabotage development and modernization, but also to use the same sanctions, which, by the way, are targeted, to plunder, and loot resources, both fiscal, and non-renewable that otherwise should be channeled towards the welfare of the terrorized and oppressed people, whose welfare is neglected as looting and plundering as a means to illicit self-enrichment is pursued as a policy by the uncouth, senile pests and parasites. The radio parts would have benefitted the people, so sanctions were used as an excuse. The cars from Ford, or cooperation with NASA, directly benefit the above mentioned menace of illegitimate zanu pf’s pests and parasites, hence, no sanctions interfered.

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