The continued unconstitutional incarceration of the opposition firebrand law maker who was legitimately elected by the people in his constituency, who are now denied legitimate representation in the parliament, whose majority was rigged, thanks to the partisan, grossly incompetent, militarized and politicized electoral commission, should give you sleepless nights.  The said incarceration which is unconstitutional, as it violates the liberties and freedoms of Sikhala is being done through the compromised and captured judiciary, which should ring alarm bells in your head. This is because among other things or reasons, the same judiciary that is supposed to protect you from the state, particularly, a tyrannical, and authoritarian state.

This is the same judiciary that should be independent, from other branches of the state, particularly the executive, yet it is at the fore front of waging or executing political warfare at the behest of the executive made up of pests and parasites in the illegitimate, vile, terrorist, criminal, plundering, looting, extracting, illicitly self-enriching, people’s welfare neglecting, and supreme law of the land bashing, mutilating, violating and assaulting zanu pf, which has spectacularly failed, hence the need to exploit the judiciary in this way or manner.  

It is not just Sikhala’s fundamental constitutional liberties and freedoms that are at stake here, but everyone’s. it should be noted that if the corrupt, sycophantic, captured and compromised, partisan, and heavily politicized can do this, then it can do the same to you, or your immediate neighbour. The continued illegal, unconstitutional detention of Sikhala is rather a precedence, in the above mentioned regard. In other words, you are alone, no one will save you from either the paralyzed state or the individual elite pests and parasites that seek to retain power illegitimately, as the said illegitimate power will give them unrestricted, unaccountable access to both natural and fiscal resources which are meant for the welfare of the people, depriving them of prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery, while terrorizing, and oppressing them to endure the insensitive negligence of their welfare, while enduring ruling, instead of good, liberal and constitutional governance, which would only be offered by the recently reinvigorated, inventive, resilient, innovative, transparent, accountable, opposition, which would be subservient to the supreme law of the land, sensitive to the welfare of the oppressed and terrorized people, which has been neglected for decades, four to be exact.

The said travesty of justice, which largely cannot be expected in a tyrannical and authoritarian state like Zimbabwe, indicated by the unconstitutional, and prolonged political detention of Sikhala, also points to irretrievable breakdown in rule of law, which has been duly replaced by rule by law, and consequences of rule by law are that accountability, transparency, among other factors are effectively exiled, without appeal, so long the pests and parasites in the illegitimate, vile, terrorist, criminal, plundering, looting, extracting, illicitly self-enriching, people’s welfare neglecting, and supreme law of the land bashing, mutilating, violating and assaulting zanu pf are in power illegitimately.

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