In a move that can only be interpreted as strange, the vile, terrorist, outstandingly inadequate, unlawful, people’s welfare disregarding, ultimate law of the land marring, violating, and assailing, predatory, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf has read the so called riot act to its unemployed, drug abusing, drug smuggling, drug distributing, illegal vending spaces distribution and political violence perpetrating youths. Apparently the referenced youths who are the victims of the system which has neglected their welfare for four long decades, as evidenced by the blatant deprivation of prompt, reliable, affordable service delivery, as both the natural and nonrenewal resources and fiscal resources meant for the latter, service delivery, are extracted, plundered and looted, for illicit self-enrichment, are now name dropping the name of the illegitimate president so that they can either con, or defraud people to be able to gain resources, to put food on the table.

What the abominable, terrorist, outstandingly inadequate, unlawful, people’s welfare disregarding, ultimate law of the land marring, violating, and assailing, predatory, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf is missing, as usual, like an animal that prefers burying its empty head in the sand, instead of accepting reality that is prevailing on the ground, is that they are the cause of the said name dropping, and the attendant consequences, which, as can be expected, only affects the terrorized, impoverished, frustrated masses. If the pests and parasites who are he elites in the above referenced criminal organization, which is futilely seeking to establish a one party state were not politically illegitimate, which has seen this country getting paralyzed, threatening the region that is complicit with devastating and vengeful instability, owing to the preference of the same pests and parasites to rule, without the consent of the people, instead of governing them, then none of this would be happening.

The now opportunistic youths would instead be employed, and would not be seeking to exploit their membership, forced by necessity, to exploit it for self-gain, by name dropping the name of an illegitimate president, who is the sole architect of the crisis that has forced its hand on the same youths. In addition to name dropping, other vile, terrorist, outstandingly inadequate, unlawful, people’s welfare disregarding, ultimate law of the land marring, violating, and assailing, predatory, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf leaders were told to shun corruption, which does not make sense at all.

It does not make sense because, you cannot shun corruption, yet your party that is futilely seeking to establish a one party state is very afraid of the recently reinvigorated, innovative, transparent, resilient and accountable, legitimate opposition, to the extent of unleashing orgies of violence on its elderly supporters, while unconstitutionally detaining its law makers, lawfully elected, and its other members, like Sikhala and the Budiriro 26!

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