Widowhood is not a status to flaunt or gloat about. However, this seems to be the case with the newly formed outfit that calls itself widows for ed, or illegitimate, failed scarfmore. One would rightly suspect that this is a grouping of leaching, parasitic, and pestilential prostitutes. Anyway, the formation of this outfit will do the following, more than anything else. It will solely set out to create more widows, orphans, widowers, and trigger deaths of more children. Yes, you read that right, and no, this is not a prophecy from the blasphemous similar outfit that calls itself vapostori for ed, the same guys who do not vaccinate their children, which triggered a health crisis in the form of a measles outbreak or endemic.

So how will the prostitutes who call themselves widows for ed solely create more widows, orphans, widowers and accelerate deaths of more children? Simply by legitimizing, illegitimately, the illegitimate, failed, vile, terrorist, tyrannical, authoritarian, terrorist, parasitic, pestilential, plundering, looting, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting, illicitly self-enriching, cancerous and ruinous zanu pf which is nursing its futile aspirations to establish a one party state.

This legitimizing of the above mentioned party means that the political system that is [referred by the legitimately failed pests and parasites in criminal zanu pf remains intact, instead of the country to transition into an enduring liberal and constitutional democracy. In other words, there will be no accountability, transparency, rule of law, equality before the law, separation of powers, devolution of powers and resilient constitutionalism. All this would compound and conceive negligence of the welfare of the oppressed and terrorized impoverished people, leading to their deprivation of prompt, affordable, and guaranteed service delivery, regardless of the fact that the bulk of the services they are deprived of, are fundamental constitutional rights, particularly, but not limited to the following, clean, portable water, shelter, property, education, health care, food.

Furthermore, it seems that this outfit is endorsing corruption, and is pretending that the old corruption cases, which are particularly, but not limited to the following, Paweni scandal (1982), National Railways Housing Scandal (1986), Air Zimbabwe Fokker Plane Scandal worth $100 million (1987),Zisco Steel blast Furnace Scandal (1987), Willowgate Scandal (1988), ZRP Santana Scandal (1989), War Victims Compensation Scandal (1994), GMB Grain Scandal (1995), VIP Housing Scandal (1996), Boka Banking Scandal (1998), ZESA YTL Soltran Scandal (1998), – Harare City Council Refuse Tender Scandal (1998), Housing Loan Scandal (1999), Noczim Scandal (1999), DRC timber and diamond UN reported scandals (1999), GMB Scandal (1999), Ministry of water and rural development Chinese tender scandal (1999), Harare Airport Scandal (2001), pillaging and milking of Ziscosteel (2005-8), pillaging of diamonds in Chiadzwa (2006-present), the Airport Road Scandal (2008-2014), are the reason why this country is paralysed, inevitably sliding into oblivion, which is state failure and collapse, in addition to the fact that scarfmore was an illegitimate government official, long before the first scandal in 1982.

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