The Great Puppet Show: ZANU PF’s ‘Independent’ Presidential Candidates and the Zimbabwe 2023 Election Farce

Zimbabwe’s ruling party, ZANU PF, has been stirring up a new pot of political controversy in the run-up to the 2023 elections. The party’s grand plan? Fielding a large number of ‘independent’ presidential candidates. This strategic move, according to critics, is not only questionable, but reeks of a calculated attempt to manipulate the election outcome.

The ‘independent’ candidates appear to be nothing more than political decoys, chancers, aimed at serving the interests of ZANU PF. By introducing these independent candidates, ZANU PF seeks to exploit the electoral system, diluting opposition votes and allowing the ruling party to maintain its grip on power. It’s a ruse that strikes at the very heart of democracy, where elections should be a fair and open contest between different parties and ideologies.

Are these independents genuine contenders? Or are they, as cynics suggest, merely scapegoats waiting in the wings, ready to be blamed if the electoral process spirals into controversy? A close look at the track record of these candidates and their affiliations suggests the latter is more likely.

History is a stern teacher, and Zimbabwe’s political past, marked by allegations of electoral irregularities and manipulation, provides a compelling backdrop for these concerns. The suspicion is that the ruling party is seeking to fragment the opposition vote, resulting in a divided electorate and enhancing the chance of a ZANU PF victory.

Independent candidates traditionally provide an alternative for voters who are disillusioned with the main parties. However, when these candidates are not truly independent but are, in fact, proxies for the ruling party, the essence of a democratic choice is undermined.

Consider the candidature of these ‘independents.’ Their political profiles are predominantly marked by connections to the ZANU PF, further fuelling suspicions. Critics argue that their candidature is a ploy, a smoke and mirrors tactic aimed at clouding the political landscape. They claim these ‘independents’ are anything but, and that their roles are to legitimise a process that is inherently flawed.

However, the ploy is not just about manipulating the electoral process; it’s also about managing fallout. These scapegoats provide a convenient target for blame if the elections turn chaotic. They serve as a buffer, deflecting criticism from the ruling party and maintaining the illusion of fair competition.

The consequences of this stratagem are far-reaching. It threatens the fundamental principles of democracy, compromises the integrity of the electoral process, and deepens the cynicism and distrust among Zimbabwean voters. Such divisive tactics do a disservice not just to the nation’s political discourse but to the very idea of democracy itself.

As the 2023 election approaches, voters and observers must remain vigilant. The risk of election rigging through this cynical manipulation of ‘independent’ candidates threatens to undermine the democratic process. The international community and domestic watchdogs must closely scrutinise the electoral process to ensure its integrity.

Ultimately, the question we are left with is this: Will the 2023 election be a true reflection of the Zimbabwean people’s will, or a puppet show orchestrated by ZANU PF, where the ‘independent’ candidates are merely marionettes, dancing to a tune played behind closed doors? The answer lies in the vigilance of the Zimbabwean electorate and the transparency of the 2023 elections.

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