Wonders never cease indeed in the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe. The latest wonder, if not outright mockery for the oppressed, terrorized and impoverished masses is that the vile, terrorist, spectacularly failing, illegitimate, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, violating, and assaulting, plundering, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf is that the latter has apparently declared war on drug abusers. However, the relieved drug dealers and drug lords are exempt and immune from this war, which will be carried out by the grossly incompetent, partisan and politicized police force which really ought to be reformed into a police service.

As usual, the vile, terrorist, spectacularly failing, illegitimate, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, violating, and assaulting, plundering, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf is focussing on the wrong target, focussing on the symptoms, instead of the actual deep seated causes. If you do your research, in the SADC region that is, despite the SADC organs pretending to be oblivious to the political crisis in the country, you will find out of course that, the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe has the highest rate of drug abusing, with the youth being the main demographic that is indulging in the costly indulgence. It is no coincidence, that the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe has also the highest unemployment rate in the region, the same region it is threatening with instability, should the state develops from state failure to state collapse and subsequent state failure, conceiving chaos, in its wake.

Ironically, a number of measure have been introduced to make sure that the drug abusing youth are vilified by the state, instead of targeting those who are responsible for illegal drugs smuggling and distribution in the country. What the vile, terrorist, spectacularly failing, illegitimate, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, violating, and assaulting, plundering, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf is not telling the people it is ruling, instead of governing constitutionally is that it is solely responsible for the epidemic that is drug abuse in this paralyzed country.

Its unapologetic extraction, plundering and pilferage of both natural, non-renewable resources and fiscal resources, for self-enrichment, diverting them from being channelled, into the welfare of the impoverished people, in addition to its political illegitimacy, having stolen the people’s consensus which had been bestowed upon the only legitimate, accountable, transparent, resilient, innovative, recently reinvigorated opposition party, that not only is sensitive to the plight of the terrorized, impoverished people, whose welfare had been neglected for decades, resulting in prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery, but also is subservient to the supreme law of the land, which has been neutered by the vile, terrorist, spectacularly failing, illegitimate, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating, violating, and assaulting, plundering, cancerous, extractive, tyrannical and authoritarian zanu pf.

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