If the looted and plundered gmb cannot pay its workers, can it pay farmers? Of course it cannot. For the record, the gmb workers who have to feed their families, pay rent, pay for transport, pay school fees, pay taxes, are apparently not the only one who are not satisfied with the salaries they are getting, thanks to the illegitimate, vile, terrorist, criminal, spectacularly and legitimately failing, developmental ideas bankrupt, plundering, looting, pestilential, cancerous, ruinous, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting zanu pf, which intends to illegitimately retain power for another five years, either with the help of the partisan, politicized and inept, captured and compromised military, whose rank and file is impoverished, or with the help of the useless, pariah judiciary and zec.

Ironically, the lowest paid worker for the looted and plundered gmb and silo food industries earns thirty thousand, in the local currency that is predictably failing, losing whatever little value it had by the day. These remunerations are pegged at the so called interbank rate, which does not reflect the economic realities prevailing on the ground, sort of burying one’s head in the sand. The said remunerations do not align with the daily increasing cost of living, which is married in a polygamy marriage to service delivery deprivations, the bulk of which are fundamental constitutional basic rights, particularly, the rights to clean, portable water, shelter, food, health care, and education, deteriorating standards of living, consequently.

In addition to the above sad anomalies, which are expected in an authoritarian and tyrannical political system like the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe which is surely hurtling towards the inevitable state failure and subsequent collapse, the said remunerations are divorced from unapologetic fact that goods and services, including meagre ones provided by the illegitimate government filled by the pests and parasites in the illegitimate, vile, terrorist, criminal, spectacularly and legitimately failing, developmental ideas bankrupt, plundering, looting, pestilential, cancerous, ruinous, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting zanu pf, are priced in the United States dollars, despite the country’s oppressed and terrorized citizens being forced to use a local currency, not hinged on any fundamentals, especially constitutionalism, which would ensure transparency accountability and rule of law.

So, if the illegitimate, vile, terrorist, criminal, spectacularly and legitimately failing, developmental ideas bankrupt, plundering, looting, pestilential, cancerous, ruinous, people’s welfare neglecting, supreme law of the land mutilating and assaulting zanu pf does not have money to pay impoverished gmb and silo food industries workers, will it be able to pay farmers, the few who will deliver grain? And you wonder why the country has the highest food inflation in the world, a status it is likely to retain for a long time? Maybe farmers and the gmb and silo food industries workers should be taken to the Chitepo school of ideology. Or maybe we will see a gmb and silo food industries workers for ED.

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