It seems that the tyrannical, authoritarian, militant, pestilential, parasitic, criminal, illegitimate, spectacularly failing zanu pf, which is seeking to establish a one party state, fails to digest and appreciate that it is solely responsible for the current currency collapse crisis, which has mainly affected the terrorized and oppressed masses, whose welfare has been neglected on a wholesale scale, and have been subjected to prompt, reliable, affordable service delivery deprivations, the bulk of which are constitutional rights, such as the rights to education, basic health care, yet, the former resorts to populism, in a bid to deceive the latter.

Any other country has a functional currency, including war torn Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan and North Korea, except the paralyzed state of Zimbabwe. Why is this the case? To the politically ignorant rural electorate that is also parochial, it is erroneously labelled illegal sanctions imposed by the West particularly Britain and the United States. These are two countries that, according to the tyrannical, authoritarian, militant, pestilential, parasitic, criminal, illegitimate, spectacularly failing zanu pf, seeking to establish a futile one party state, failing to digest and appreciate that it is solely responsible for the current crippling currency crisis, that were defeated during the so called Second Chimurenga, which made them bitter, making them want to seek regime change agenda so that they install a puppet government, which will let them exploit unsustainably, at the expense of the paralyzed state, the country’s natural resources, just like what the parasitic Chinese are doing.

This line of thinking prevents those afflicted with blind nationalism, which currently is pronounced by accepting a so called local currency that has been introduced by an illegitimate government which basically is a terrorist government that seeks to retain power on the backs of a mutilated, washed out and violated supreme law of the land, which deviates from the actual problem, the elephant in the room, which is parasitism, and pestilential politics, leading to the urgency of terrorist zanu pf to seek to establish a one party state, where they could plunder and loot with impunity, the country’s natural and non-renewable resources for self-enrichment, at the expense of the terrorized and oppressed masses, whose welfare has been neglected on a wholesale scale, and have been subjected to prompt, reliable, affordable service delivery deprivations, the bulk of which are constitutional rights, such as the rights to education, basic health care, and clean portable water. Unless the illegitimate government which basically is a terrorist government relinquishes power, and let the tranquil, innovative, reinvigorated, youthful and resilient opposition that is sensitive and responsive to the welfare of the masses take power, then the useless dollar will become more useless by the day, multiplying the suffering of the neglected masses..

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